Return & Exchange Policy

  • At All Pesos No Besos, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products and services. For any reason you are unsatisfied with your order, you may return the item 14 days from your delivery date for store credit. 
  • A prepaid label will be generated for the return of the package, that will be deducted from your total return provided through our Return Portal ($12 Fee)
  • Once we receive your return item, please allow 7-10 business days to process your return after it's been delivered back to us.
  • If you wish to begin a return, please use our returns portal HERE
  • As items under "preorder process" are made to order, once payment is processed. It is automatically sent to our warehouse for immediate manufacturing. Due to the nature of this process, orders associated with items under "preorder process" are non-refundable and final sale during processing. Rest assured once your order is delivered, your item can be returned back to us using our returns portal HERE
  • As all online orders are  automatically sent to our warehouse for immediate shipping & processing. Due to the nature of this process, all orders associated  are non-refundable and final sale during processing. Rest assured once your order is delivered, your item can be returned back to us using our returns portal  HERE


    • All Pesos No Besos, does not accept exchanges during this time. You may submit a return through our return portal  HERE . Once your returns are processed you will be issued store credit to for you to place another order

    Received Wrong or Defective Item

    • In the event you've received the wrong or defective item, please submit a return request in our return portal within 14 days of the delivery date. Please use our return portal  HERE

    Insured Shipping

    • Insured Shipping is only applicable if the delivery of the package is lost/stolen during “in-transit” on our shipping provider's website (USPS).
    • If this happens, contact our support team at
    • If the package has been labeled "delivered" according to our shipping provider (USPS), then unfortunately the insured shipping isn't applicable & we recommend contacting your local post office. 

     Lost/Stolen Packages

    "My order says delivered but I have not received it, what should I do?"

    • USPS is responsible for the delivery of the package. In the event you did not use insured shipping & are unable to locate the package posted “in-transit” or “delivered” we recommend contacting your local post office.

     False Chargebacks

    • False Chargebacks: Please note that false chargebacks are not allowed and will result in action being taken against the customer. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who files a false chargeback.